10 Catalan Folksongs

10 Catalan Folksongs by Miguel Llobet $17.95 I studied these pieces over 20 years ago with my maestro, Byron Pang. One of the unknown aspects is that, not all these pieces had been published by the time Miguel Llobet passed away in 1938, a majority of these remained in manuscript form. I have a manuscript of Canco del Lladre written by Maria Luisa Anido in 1938 and dedicated to guitar historian, Ricardo Muñoz. These are among the building blocks of technical development of the budding classical guitarist. The titles are listed below, along with the dates of when Miguel made the manuscript, when known.


The selections are:

  1. El Testament D'Amelia (1900)
  2. Canco del Lladre
  3. La Filadora (1918)
  4. Lo Fill del Rei (1900)
  5. Lo Rossinyol (1900)
  6. Plany (1899)
  7. El Mestre (1910)
  8. L’Hereu Riera (1900)
  9. La Filla del Marxant (1899)
  10. La Nit de Nadal (1918)


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