11 pieces Rodrigo Riera

Rodrigo Riera - Once Composiciones (Eleven Pieces)

39 pages $28.95 Written in Standard Notation only.


   This 1998 collection is the first Venezuelan edition of Riera's work. Previously, he had published his guitar solo pieces in New York and Madrid, Album para Guitarra - 1963-64, as well as in England Cuatro Piezas Venezolanas - 1984, published with John Duarte.


   These eleven pieces are the result of his work as a teacher, which started upon his return to Venezuela in the 1970's. During this period, his works were suffused with a Venezuelan spirit: "My biggest pride," he beams in the preface, "will be to have all the Venezuelan idioms in my repertoire; all the popular traditions of my country." This national spirit shows not only in the choice of repertoire, which include some valses, songs and joropos, but even in the tempo indications: instead of "Allegro, ma non troppo" you will find instructions in Spanish to play "in the manner of my People," or "with the soul of the People," or "with the People's foundation." You will also find non-nationalistic repertoire, like a Chorinho -more like a Bossa Nova- which both homages and quotes Villa-Lobos. The entire collection features plenty of examples of the late 1980's penchant for humorous erudition that characterizes the post-Lauro generation of Venezuelan guitarists. To find a contemporary of Lauro engaging in this sort of playfulness is indeed testament to the strong roots of the Venezuelan style and a fitting legacy of this late improvisational monster.

   The selections are listed below.

The selections are:



1. Pequeña Suite a la Manera de Mi Pueblo

2. Valse a Don Manuel Guerrero

3. Valse Campestre

4. Homenaje a "La Chicachagua"

5. Cancion a MarÌa Josefina Riera

6. Cancion-Serenata y valse

7. Golpe al Diablo de Carora

8. Pajarillo con Revoltillo

9. El Encadilador de Zamuros

10. Chorinho

11. Planta Baja

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